Salus Natural Medicine

Welcome to our Favorites page! Here, we share our top picks that inspire and support a healthy lifestyle. From transformative books to essential personal and household products, and engaging podcasts, these recommendations are curated to enhance your wellbeing. Explore our favorites and find new ways to enrich your life.


“It Starts With Food” presents a clear, balanced, and sustainable plan to permanently change your eating habits, leading to profound and unexpected transformations in your life.

Melissa Urban’s “The Book of Boundaries” offers practical guidance on setting clear limits to protect your time, energy, and health, helping you achieve security, confidence, and freedom in all areas of life.

Frank Lipman’s “The New Rules of Aging Well” provides a simple, science-backed program for reversing the symptoms of aging, enhancing your quality of life and building a strong immune system through practical lifestyle changes.

“The Joy of Well-Being” by Colleen and Jason Wachob, co-founders of mindbodygreen, cuts through the noise of wellness advice to offer a practical, individualized approach to living a happier, healthier, and more balanced life.

In “The Myth of Normal,” renowned physician Gabor Maté explores how trauma, stress, and modern living contribute to rising chronic illness, offering a compassionate guide to true health and healing while critiquing the shortcomings of Western medicine.